'What Animal Am I?' teaches reading, shapes and counting with bright animal characters and engaging riddles
/‘What Animal Am I?’ uses riddles to teach reading, counting and shapes by bringing together bright and colorful geometric images of familiar animals, including the tiger, fox, hummingbird, panda, wolf, snow leopard and other critters created by illustrator Yana Kossova using a technique called “low poly.”
Click on the headline below to read a news article on the book:
“Now Available On Amazon, 'What Animal Am I?' Kid's Book Teaches Reading, Counting and Shapes”
Aimed at younger children, ‘What Animal Am I?’ offers a riddle, a disarticulated image of the animal for counting and naming shapes, then finally answers the riddle with the name and engaging image of the animal. The following pages on the snow leopard show how the book progresses:
The riddle teaches reading…
The disarticulated image teaches shapes and counting…
Then the snow leopard appears in the final image to solve the riddle!